INSULA AND is the website of Anders Källgård, Slottsgatan 16, SE-432 44 Varberg, Sweden. INSULA is Latin for "island" and the website is mainly about islands - mostly about Swedish islands, but also about Pacific Islands (such as Pitcairn), and other islands. One of the purposes of the website is to collect and share "new" information on Swedish islands - but it is also hoped that the website may serve as a tool to share information on other islands, and on other specific and general island issues. Useful links are provided. ANDERS KÄLLGÅRD was born in 1958. He is married to Susanne and they have four sons: Linus, Julius, Frans, and Amandus. Anders has a multidisciplinary background, with university studies in humanities (B.A. in 1987) and in medicine (fully qualified physician since 1991). He has had brief medical missions in Africa (São Tomé & Príncipe), in the Pacific (Tokelau, Pitcairn) and on Nordic islands, and he has travelled extensively - especially to islands, since he considers himself a "nesophile", ie a lover of islands. When at home, on the west coast of Sweden, he usually works 50% as a doctor - and tries to spend the other 50% writing. Anders Källgård has published ten island books in Swedish, including travel books (on Pitcairn, St Helena, Nauru) and thick reference books (on the islands of Sweden, Denmark and Norway). In the reference books on the Nordic islands, all Scandinavian islands (without permanent connection with the mainland) that have had a permanent population at any point of time after the year 1900 have been included, as have the islands of Greenland, the Faroes and Svalbard. However, these thick books are not only reference tools, they are travel books as well, beautifully illustrated with water colours by the artist Johnny GR Ahlborg. Some of these water colours are exposed at this website. : Anders Källgård is a member of the Swedish Writers’ Union, a fellow of the Swedish Society of Medicine, a founding member of ISISA (International Small Islands Studies Association), a life member of PISG (Pitcairn Island Study Group) and a life fellow of Explorers Club, New York. He has attended a number of international conferences and published some scientific articles in English, such as 1993: ”Trace Element Concentrations in Hair of Subjects from two South Pacific Islands, Atafu (Tokelau) and Kitava (Papua New Guinea)” (with T.S. Srikumar, S. Lindeberg, P.A. Öckerman and B. Åkesson; in T.S. Srikumar’s thesis Assessment of Trace Element Status in Different Populations, University of Lund, 22 april 1993) You are welcome to contact Anders Källgård through ordinary mail (address as given above), or through email: |